Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Eagle Mountain Camp July 22 - 25!!!

Battalion Summer Camp
Friday to Monday
July 22 to 25, 2011

Eagle Mountain, Coquitlam

Battalion is going camping in the local hills to accomplish two goals: to test our Air-Soft skills and to build a Chapel. We've been camping on Eagle Mountain for years. We have several campsites along Noons Creek and will be staying at our Upper Falls Camp. The area is very interesting: it's within an easy walk of a logging camp that has long since been lost to the forest; there are numerous moss-covered corduroy-roads; and logging equipment that turns up in surprising places. The Port Moody Museum has asked us to look for evidence of the logging railroad that used to chug up the mountain. There's a swimming hole in the creek, and lots of firewood to keep us busy.

We leave from the church on Friday afternoon (2:00pm sharp) and return on Monday just after lunch to the church.

We will have FRS Walkie-Talkies and cell phones for emergency purposes. We'll take all our food up with us. We will be sleeping in a large lean-to. And, we have to carry all our gear, including the Air-Soft equipment. We've got to brig down a widow-maker and then rebuild the lean-to. We'll be building benches and tables at the camp and then erecting a cross and some benches at the Chapel. This is our big project - an area set apart for the Lord and for our own needs to be close to Him. There will be lots to keep us busy. This is going to be an excellent camp.

The cost is $30 for 4 days, 3 nights, 8 meals, snacks, and Air-Soft supplies.

Contact Capt. Howard by email or phone if you're going.

Here's a checklist for gear: https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0B4W0q5f9r9JXY2E5MzBiMGUtODM1Mi00ZTM5LTk1YmItZGZmMGMyMmNiMzVl&hl=en_US